The goal of this project is to create a Python tool that can scan one or multiple IP addresses for open ports within a specified range and retrieve banners from those ports. The tool is designed to be user-friendly, efficient, and capable of handling multiple IP addresses and port ranges.
Scan single or multiple IP addresses
Scan a custom range of ports
Concurrent port scanning for improved speed
Banner grabbing from open ports
Output results to a user-specified file
User-friendly command-line interface
IP address validation
Technologies Used
Python 3.x
socket module for network connections
concurrent.futures for multithreading
ipaddress module for IP address validation
File I/O for saving results
Source Code
Feel free to modify this however you want.
import socket
import concurrent.futures
import ipaddress
def scan_port ( ip , port , timeout = 1 ):
try :
with socket . create_connection (( ip , port ), timeout = timeout ) as sock :
sock . settimeout ( timeout )
banner = sock . recv ( 1024 ). decode ( 'utf-8' , 'ignore' ). strip ()
return f " { ip } - { port } - { banner } "
except ( socket . timeout , ConnectionRefusedError ):
return None
def scan_ip ( ip , start_port , end_port , output_file ):
with concurrent . futures . ThreadPoolExecutor ( max_workers = 100 ) as executor :
futures = [ executor . submit ( scan_port , ip , port ) for port in range ( start_port , end_port + 1 )]
for future in concurrent . futures . as_completed ( futures ):
result = future . result ()
if result :
print ( result )
with open ( output_file , 'a' ) as f :
f . write ( result + ' \n ' )
def main ():
output_file = input ( "Enter the output file name: " )
ip_input = input ( "Enter IP address(es) (comma-separated for multiple): " )
start_port = int ( input ( "Enter start port: " ))
end_port = int ( input ( "Enter end port: " ))
ip_list = [ ip . strip () for ip in ip_input . split ( ',' )]
for ip in ip_list :
try :
ipaddress . ip_address ( ip )
except ValueError :
print ( f "Invalid IP address: { ip } " )
print ( f "Scanning { ip } ..." )
scan_ip ( ip , start_port , end_port , output_file )
print ( f "Scan complete. Results saved to { output_file } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
main ()